
Showing posts from February, 2022


O ur fellow partners in "adulting" phase, we bring thee warm greetings . Our previous blog post shared light on how exemplary we should be as Christians in the workplace. If you're yet to read that, we strongly encourage you to do so before you jump on this post. So here's the thing right, it feels like a bloodbath out there if you're a worker or a student. There seems to be a culture of competitiveness and almost every time, you have to keep looking over your shoulder just to be sure that no one is stabbing you in the back. Sometimes, it could be a supervisor laying a trap for you by withholding vital information, or a colleague sending mails targeted at sparking up trouble for you, or you being side-lined from meetings out of jealousy etc. Frankly, there’s no problem with that happening to us in the world because there's a reason Jesus said in this world we would have trouble, yet we should take heart because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33). If you h...