One mission statement that our church, International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) has come to be known for, is “Practical Christianity, Human dignity and Excellence”. This statement goes beyond just a regular catchphrase; it carries a depth in meaning and relevance to Christians of all ages everywhere. The mandate given to us as people of God to emanate Christ, show Him forth and have our very lives be a testament of who God is, is one that we often hope for, but seldom live out. In this post, we will try to break down one aspect of our lives through which we can allow God to showcase Himself: Our professional life or career path.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s nice that you can carry yourself as a nice young Christian lady or gentleman in the workplace, but more than just great interpersonal relationships with bosses and colleagues, how’s your work output? How receptive are you to corrections and critique and what exactly are you known for in your professional space? Is your work ethic enough to inspire someone else to do better? The proof, they say, is in the pudding; your works must count where it counts. Is it that God can open your eyes to some serious revelations in the Bible and open your eyes to see visions but somehow does not help you in your corporate life? How are you this seriously spiritual person and somehow, the one place you spend the majority of your time cannot seem to attest to the influence of God in your life?

Let us draw your attention to the little things as a young entry-level person in the workplace; the many times that the Holy Spirit whispered to you to do something that was not on your agenda for the day; it could be that letter He told you to draft; the same one that your boss asked for later and you would have saved the day had you done it; the prep you needed to do ahead of a meeting; you know, the one you said you’d do later and ended up rushed; the article He drew your mind to read on that you thought was irrelevant but later found out otherwise; even that colleague He conveniently placed in your neighborhood so you could ride together to work but your pride said no, and troski rides are the reason you’re always late… That’s what we’re talking about.

These are the little nudges that we are learning to listen to everyday. The voice of God that causes us to pre-empt, not by our own wisdom but by His, then allowing us to take the credit. For the one who is having trouble being proactive, productive or efficient, your difficulty is not in the job being too daunting. God does want us to succeed in our chosen fields of work and He does send us helping hands; gives us guidance and nudges but we would rather not look “too serious” or be the know-it-all in the office. But your Father in Heaven knows it all….or?

If you are familiar with the song “Victory” by Eben, there is a line in that song that says “because of Jesus every day na shakara I dey do”. He tells us how God makes the little “kpa kpa kpa” he does look so big. God wants that for all of us; we only need a moment to listen. Listening to God and trusting His voice takes time, and we must be diligent in following through with His promptings. When we allow God to work through us, we surprise ourselves. Allow yourself to do some shocking things this year; the ones you only lean back and say “that was all God”.

2nd Corinthians 5:20 tells us “So we are ambassadors of Christ; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we say, “Come back to God”. 

The preceding verses (from verse 17) tell us that anyone in Christ is a new creation and old things have passed away; everything is made new, and that the ministry of reconciliation is now given unto us, so that by our example we might draw others to him. 

God knows that we will all not stand on the pulpit to preach, but to each one who is born again, He has committed a ministry that draws people by our own examples; our lifestyles, ethics and output. So the question is, if you are being used as a yardstick, would people really think you make a good metric? Be a good ambassador.

It really is not about your level in the bureaucratic structure of your company, it is that your professed faith must be practical; it must be effective and it must bear much fruit. It must be obvious that you operate differently; that you are perceptive in a way that someone has to wonder where you get that from. That example will draw others to Christ. You will be speaking for Christ when you say “I don’t know how I did that meeting; it was just by Grace”. Do not underestimate the influence of the Holy Spirit in your workplace. The world needs more examples of Christians in the workplace. Society has seen enough domination by rich and powerful people and leaders who give no reverence to God. We need to claim the workplace back; not just a few tongues-speaking people that millions would look up to, but millions of us drawing millions. Something interesting I learnt about Isaiah 59:19, in its original context it says “when the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him”. Did you notice where the comma is? The enemy does not come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord does! (can you think of anywhere in scripture that the enemy was likened to water, no! Only the Spirit of God has been likened to water over and over again! (but that’s a conversation for another day).

So where there is rottenness, corruption and what have you, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard…like a flood! A whole army of Christians everywhere who are heeding his Spirit, living exemplary lives and holding down places of influence for God; everywhere! LIKE. A. FLOOD.


Be a part of that flood; Be an ambassador of Christ in your workplace.

Your friends,

Becky and Sharon


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